Short time and convincing design is a love-hate relationship.
For us, this means not to cut back on design or the technology behind it, but to focus on the essential.

Sunlight has many positive effects on us and our environment. But it also has its dark side. Too much sun can result in sunburn, premature skin aging, allergic reactions or, in the worst case, skin cancer. But from when is too much? How long can you be in the sun before you get sunburn? And when is the right time to apply the next cream?
Sun-a-wear is a solar-powered sun protection wristband that answers all these questions by measuring the amount of sunlight. Based on the personal information in the app, it gives recommendations for safe sunbathing. The challenge in developing Sun-a-wear was not only the extremely short time window and finding a material that both hides the electronics of the UV sensor but still allows sunlight to pass through, but also that it is equally suitable for children and adults. The result is a clip made of acrylic glass that can be worn alone as a brooch or together with the snap bracelet.